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Samsung and Toshiba products in the iPhone 3G

Nikkei Electronics technology site successfully dismantle the secret engine in the body of the iPhone. Circuit LSI (Large Scale Integrated) in the body revealed coded iPhone K4X1G163PC ARM 339S0036-DGC3.

That is, this is the core ARM processor. Well, the code letter K indicates that this processor is fabricated Korean company, Samsung Electronics. Another site, Semiconductor Insights, asserted that the code refers to the design of processor Samsung ARM-based 11.

Besides the processor, Nikkei Electronics also found power amplifier module SKY77340-coded innards of the iPhone. This module production company Skyworks Solutions Inc.. Was at the bottom of circuit board or PCB (printed circuit board) is part 338S0353 coded signal transmitter and signal receiver GSM and W-CDMA.

Cip with TOSHIBA code R67657 JAPAN 0805 KCE found on the side by side with the battery. Constructor function as part of flash memory is certainly no need to explain anymore.

Not much to know even care about the technical specifications of the machines in the body of the iPhone. Even Apple does not explain in detail. This fact is different with a laptop, for example. Each laptop buyers can find details of the technical specifications of product to be purchased, not only features but also the machines inside.

Source: CNET


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