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Google Block SMS application on the iPhone

Google Block SMS application on the iPhone
Google will block an iPhone application that uses the dialog program on Googe Talk. SMS application with no limit to the cost of U.S. $ 0.99 this is to let users send text messages from your iPod or iPhone. It turned out that the program was launched last month became one of the top 10 most many applications downloaded from the iPhone store.

Blocking plan was announced Inner Fence, the developer of the program on its website. At first, they build applications using the protocol provided by Google. "We did not expect the two of us to write an application that is too big for Google," said spokesman Inner Fence.

Google describes block-party applications is Wednesday's start this week. But they still offer free SMS through Google Talk. According to them, unlimited SMS is a third-party applications that use Google's technology.

Source: PC World


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