How to Remove the iPhone SIM Card
Different from hand phone generally, where its SIM card slot is easy to reach, the SIM card in the iPhone is hidden. So you need a paper clip to remove the SIM card. May be this tips is rather risky but I think this procedure doesn't void the warranty. Actually, Apple has this trick (for removing the SIM card) in its website ( But if you are concerned that it might, please don't perform this task.
You can replace the SIM card by put the card back in the cradle. Don’t worry that you might flipped over the card because the cradle and card are notched in a way that forces you to replace the card on the proper side. Then just slide the card back into the iPhone.
Note, remember that the phone is STILL locked. You can take the SIM out but you can't put someone elses' SIM in. You CAN take your iPhone SIM card out and use it in another cellphone that is ATT/Cingular locked. You can not use it in any other cellphone company phone.
Just for reference, some one has tried to took his SIM card from an older Cingular Phone and inserted it into the iPhone and the iPhone didn't work as a telephone. but he could do all the other things with the iPhone, like sending and receiving mails, browse the web, take photos, etc. The older tlephone (a veteran silver Razor) accepted the iPhone’s card and worked well, as a respectable old gadget.
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