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How to Joining iPhone Wi-Fi Networks With Non-Typable Passwords

It can be a problem for those who need to enter the backtick for a Wi-Fi password on iPhone.Because the iPhone's virtual keyboard can't do is type a grave accent mark without a letter (a ` or backtick to all you programmers out there).

Don’t be frustrated, there is a tips to get around non-typable passwords using your iPhone Configuration Utility.

Here the steps:

  • First, download the iPhone Configuration Utility from Apple's enterprise support site. Using the utility, head straight to the "Configuration Profiles" section and navigate to the Wi-Fi tab.
  • Enter your network's SSID and leave the security type as "Any".
  • Before you export the profile, you'll need to enter an identifier under the "General" tab. This can be something as simple as "com.YOURNAME.profile". You'll also need to enter a name for your profile, such as "Profile" or "Wi-Fi".
  • After you're done, hit export and save it to your desktop.
  • Open the mobileconfig file using an app such as TextEdit, and search for


    The text YOUR_SSID will be the SSID that you specified in the configuration utility.

    Right underneath it, you'll want to add:

  • Replace THE_WPA_PASSWORD with your network's password.
  • Save the file and email it to yourself.

Note : not all characters can be directly written in XML. If you have any of these five characters, you will need to translate them to their Predeclared Entity:

CharacterPredeclared Entity

So for example, if the password is :

u(P&5/`@$Mf":Ba96@G>Osf'< wn

It may changed to :


If you having problems, xmllint might help.

To install the profile, simply:

open the email on your iPhone and tap on the attachment.

After it asks you to confirm the installation, your iPhone will now join to Wi-Fi Networks with the right non-typable passwords.


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