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How to Enable Street View On Your iPod touch

Here is a great work around that will get your first gen iPod touch rockin' the Street View. It does involve messing with property lists and permissions, but it has been confirmed to work. But to do this work you’ll need to jailbreak your iPod touch.

For you second gen iPod touch owners it won’t work for you cause the PwnageTool only works with the first gen iPod touch. Ready to start? follow along below:

  1. get this file via ssh: /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/N45AP.plist
  2. convert to xml at http://iappcat.com/plist/bin2xml
  3. add




  4. save then using that website again reconvert to binary

  5. rename original file N45AP.old

  6. copy new N45AP.plist in (make sure permissions are 644)

  7. reboot ipod

Update: to get the proper preferences back:
  1. in this folder rename Settings-iPhone.plist, to Settings-iPhone.old
  2. copy out Settings-iPod.plist and rename to Settings-iPhone.plist then copy back in
  3. reboot

    all settings will be available as before (music prefs back)
    (make sure permissions are 0664)

If you were able to follow all of that without getting any trouble, congratulation, you now have Google Street View! For the rest of you, a patch via Cydia or Installer is sure to come around soon.

Source : gizmodo


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