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How to share an MP3 directory with Microsoft Zune and Apple iPod / iTunes on Mac

When buying a Zune one of the first things I wanted to do was use the same MP3 directory we’re using with my wife’s Mac. We have a pretty extensive CD collection that we have partially ripped to MP3 and store on an external Hard Drive (250GB) attached via USB to one of the Windows XP machines on our home network in a FAT32 partition we call WINMAC.

In this partition, we store all our MP3 and album artwork and inside iTunes on our Apple Mac we have the iTunes preferences set to use this as the primary directory, see:

iTUNES -> PREFERENCES -> General -> “iTunes Music Folder location.”

How to share an MP3 directory with Microsoft Zune and Apple iPod / iTunes on Mac

We also changed the “importing” section, particularly “Import Using” to MP3 Encoder and the “Setting” to ‘Higher Quality’ as shown below:

itune import mp3

Setting the sync directory on the Zune was equally straightforward:

  1. In the Zune player click on the up down circular arrow to make the inline sync window visible.

  2. Click on “Sync Options”

  3. Choose “more options” and the Options box will appear shown below.

    itune mp3 sync

  4. In “Rip music to this location” section (#1) is where you change to the same sync directory as iTunes is using.

  5. In the “Rip Settings” section (#2) change the format to MP3. You can drag the slider for the quality. I like using the highest quality which also results in a larger file size.

Source: by TDavid - www.makeyougohmm.com


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